Sending for signing

  1. Get the API key from Key Generation

  2. Get the documentId

  3. Prepare the JSON Body

  4. You can batch upto 100 recipients in one request.

  "receiversList": [
     "name": "Chirag Gupta", // name of the role
      "email": "", // email of the role
      "message": "Message me when you're done", // you can leave this empty it will take the message from emailData 
      "subject": "Please sign this Chirag" // you can leave this empty it will take the message from emailData 
      "name": "Chirag Gupta", // name of the role
      "email": "", // email of the role
      "message": "Message me when you're done",// you can leave this empty it will take the message from emailData 
      "subject": "Please sign this Paresh" // you can leave this empty it will take the message from emailData 
  "mailData": {
   "subject": "subject", 
    // this is the global subject if you will not add anything in the receiversList
    // subject this will be sent
    "message": "message"
    // this is the global message if you will not add anything in the receiversList
    // message this will be sent
  "documentId": "42d3b486-g946-4744-86cb-7ee25f634576"
"signingType": "PDF_TEMPLATE" or "FORM_TEMPLATE" which you want to send for signing
 "receiversList": [
      "name": "Chirag Gupta", // name of the role
      "email": "", // email of the role
      "message": "Message me when you're done", // you can leave this empty it will take the message from emailData 
      "subject": "Please sign this Chirag" // you can leave this empty it will take the message from emailData 
"mailData": {
  "subject": "subject", 
  // this is the global subject if you will not add anything in the receiversList
  // subject this will be sent
  "message": "message"
  // this is the global message if you will not add anything in the receiversList
  //  message this will be sent
"documentId": is the document Id which you got from previous step
  1. Send a POST request with the prepared JSON body

Example Request

const axios = require('axios');
let data = JSON.stringify({
  "signingType": "FORM_TEMPLATE",
  "receiversList": [
      "name": "Chirag Gupta",
      "email": "",
      "message": "Message me when you're done",
      "subject": "Please sign this Chirag"
      "name": "Chirag Gupta",
      "email": "",
      "message": "Message me when you're done",
      "subject": "Please sign this Paresh"
  "mailData": {
    "subject": "subject",
    "message": "message"
  "documentId": "YOUR_FORM_DOCUMENT_ID"

let config = {
  method: 'post',
  maxBodyLength: Infinity,
  url: '',
  headers: { 
    'x-api-key': 'YOUR_API_KEY', 
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  data : data

.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {

Last updated

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